In Search of the Lost Missionary, by Jeff Barth

“After refurbishing their DC-3 cargo plane, affectionately dubbed Old Gabe, home schooled Bob & Arty spent their afternoons taking flying lessons from their father Jesse Baxter. Aircraft maintenance training at their father’s facilities further prepared the brothers for their missionary aviation ministry. In this series travel with these two young pilots, and occasionally their entire family, as they find themselves embroiled in a South Sea mystery, facing the fears and hardship of jungle travel and hostile natives, making a daring rescue in the frozen tundra of northern Alaska, being caught in the perils of a violent storm and much more.” ~from the back of the book

Title: In Search of the Lost Missionary

Author: Jeff Barth

Series: The Missionary Adventures of Bob & Arty

Genre(s): Christian Fiction

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ (four stars)

Romance Content: Non-existent!

Recommended age range: 8+, for comprehension??

My Review:

This was an exciting missionary adventure! I think it was written with boys/young men in mind, since the main characters are boys, but I, as a young lady, also found it interesting. I appreciate the Biblical values upheld in this book, and I would recommend it to any family looking for clean reads. This was a great book, and I’m looking forward to being able to read the next books in the series!

**note: more reviews of books from this series to come!

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